miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

One more day, one more song: MEMORIES

En estos días de encierro ( LOCKDOWN in English) es importante escuchar música que nos transmita mensajes positivos: solidarity, resilience, hope, family bonds, love, fun, etc. Os proponemos escuchar estas canciones y trabajar con su letra para practicar inglés.

Wednesday 25th March: MEMORIES , by Maroon 5.


This is a song about memories, about THINKING OF OUR LOVED ONES and about celebrating LOVE, FRIENDSHIP...

HOW DO YOU CELEBRATE? We often MAKE A TOAST (= hacer un brindis)
¿Cómo se brinda en inglés? En la canción tenéis tres ejemplos:
  • HERE´S TO …..: esta va por ….
  • A TOAST TO….: un brindis por …..
  • CHEERS TO…: literalmente “ Alegría por...”, pero se traduce por "un brindis por…"

Os proponemos una actividad tras escuchar la canción:

Make a list of toasts you would like to make whenever the Coronavirus lockdown is lifted. Write them on a piece of paper and take it to your English teachers on the first day of school after this quarantine. 

We could make a WALL OF TOASTS!!

1 comentario:

  1. I really like this song, Maroon 5 was one of my favourite bands and it brings me lots of memories indeed.
    A toast to all the students that are working hard from home ad following this great blog!
    Also cheers to all the teachers who are overcoming obstacles in this online challenge of tele teaching! 💪🏻 💪🏻
